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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 2002

wtcd-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Warrenton Training Center Site D      June 30, 2002
york-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Yorktown Naval Weapons Station        June 28, 2002
wtc062702.jpg         WTC Aerial View 27 June 2002                     June 28, 2002
ms-drm-os.htm         Microsoft Palladium Patent                       June 28, 2002
kent-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing NSA Kent Island Research Facility     June 28, 2002

anl-wafer.htm         U.S. Researchers Develop Tiny Nuclear Detector   June 27, 2002
odom-062602.htm       Ex-NSA Head: Homeland Security and Intelligence  June 27, 2002
proma.htm             PROMA UK Radio Scanning Frequencies              June 27, 2002 
phsac062602.htm       Homeland Security Council Meet                   June 26, 2002
dia062502.htm         Defense Intelligence Board Meet                  June 26, 2002

uscs062502.htm        US Customs Rule on Foreign Air Passenger Names   June 26, 2002
tcpa-rja3.htm         Ross Anderson on Palladium Cloaking TCPA         June 26, 2002
pantex-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Pantex Nuclear Warhead Plant          June 26, 2002
scitech-role.htm      NRC: Science and Technology Countering Terrorism June 25, 2002
half-safe.htm         Fire Safety for Structure Halved Since 1927      June 24, 2002 

stasi-list.htm        Update: Stasi Informer List on the Internet      June 24, 2002
eo13267.htm           Executive Order on HomeSec Dept Transition       June 24, 2002
eo13266.htm           Executive Order on Personal Fitness              June 24, 2002
doe062402.htm         Nuclear Security Agency Closed Meetings Report   June 24, 2002
tcpa-rja2.htm         More Ross Anderson on Vile TCPA/MS Palladium     June 24, 2002

wtc062302.jpg         WTC Excavation Panorama 23 June 2002             June 23, 2002
tcpa-fritz.htm        Hollings' CBDTPA = TCPA Enablement Act           June 22, 2002
mrsoc-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the Medina Regional SIGINT Center     June 22, 2002
veep-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the US Vice Presidential Residence    June 22, 2002
faa062102.htm         FAA Rule on Foreign Flightdeck Security          June 21, 2002

nrc062102.htm         NRC Extends Yucca Mountain Futile Bitch Period   June 21, 2002
ussc062102.htm        RFC Sentencing Priorities for US Courts          June 21, 2002
62npp-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing 104 Nuclear Reactors/63 Power Plants  June 20, 2002
bush-fiss-ru.htm      Bush Alert on Russian Fissiles, Not US Yuk       June 20, 2002 
tcpa-rja.htm          Computer Makers May Use Crypto to Screw Users    June 20, 2002

whitem-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Whiteman Air Force Base WSA           June 19, 2002
gao-02-867r.htm       GAO on Transportation Dept HazMat Spin (Yucca?)  June 19, 2002
bark-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Barksdale Air Force Base WSA          June 19, 2002
bush-sec.htm          Bush Sends Congress Homeland Security Bill       June 19, 2002
fidel-suite.htm       Fidel Castro Spy Suite                           June 18, 2002

fair-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Fairchild Air Force Base WSA          June 18, 2002
north-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing North Island Naval Air Station WSA    June 18, 2002
media-coup.htm        Congress Cannot Ignore Corporate Media Control   June 18, 2002
nist061802.htm        NIST Fees for Info Tech Security Validation      June 18, 2002
nieuwkomers.htm       NL Mission to UN Guide for Newcomers (in Dutch)  June 17, 2002

nwsa-eyeball.htm      US Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas                 June 17, 2002
warren-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Warren Air Force Base                 June 17, 2002
aids-origin.htm       GAO: Origin of the AIDS Virus                    June 17, 2002
rip-venom.htm         RIP Snooping: Scorpion Tail Venom                June 17, 2002
llnl061702.htm        Lawrence Livermore Lab 10-Year Impact Study      June 17, 2002

minot-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Minot Air Force Base                  June 17, 2002
forks-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Grand Forks Air Force Base            June 17, 2002
bangor-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Submarine Base Bangor           June 16, 2002
kings-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay        June 16, 2002
bighole-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing the Big Hole Communications Bunker    June 15, 2002
cnws-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Charleston Naval Weapons Station      June 15, 2002

nellis-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Nellis Nuclear Weapons Storage Area   June 14, 2002
doj061402.htm         DoJ Sets Alien Flight Training Rule              June 14, 2002
bis061402.htm         BIS Sets Red Flag Export Rule                    June 14, 2002
don061402.htm         Navy Offers High-Tech Inventions                 June 14, 2002
homesec-panel.htm     Bush Sets Up Homeland Security Panel             June 14, 2002
irs061402.htm         IRS Cancels Golden Parachute Hearing, Whew!      June 14, 2002

uscg-sz.htm           US Coast Guard Security Zones After 9/11         June 13, 2002
white-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing an Unknown Bunker on White Rock Road  June 13, 2002
dos061302.htm         RFP for Their Government Corruption              June 13, 2002
kumsc-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Kirtland Nuclear Storage Complex      June 12, 2002
icann-hear.htm        Senate Hearing on ICANN Governance               June 12, 2002

gi-jose.htm           DoD Enlists Jose Padilla                         June 12, 2002
uav-petard.htm        US Fears UAV Attack                              June 12, 2002
us-promo.htm          US To Promote Its Fat                            June 12, 2002
eo13265.txt           Prez Orders Less Fat                             June 12, 2002
dsb061202.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet                June 12, 2002

dia061202.txt         Defense Intel Board Secret Meet                  June 12, 2002
af061202.txt          US Air Force Board Secret Meet                   June 12, 2002
faa061202.txt         FAA Orders Fuel Tank Ignition Check              June 12, 2002
david-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Camp David Presidential Retreat       June 10, 2002
bis061002.htm         Computer Tech and Software Export Revisions      June 10, 2002

dcnpp-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant June 7, 2002
ccnpp-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant    June 7, 2002
pnpp-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant       June 7, 2002
mnpp-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant     June 7, 2002
snpp-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant      June 7, 2002

home-osamas.htm       All-American Osamas                              June 7, 2002
home-sec.htm          Description of Department of Homeland Security   June 7, 2002
home-intel.htm        Proposed Homeland Intelligence Agency            June 6, 2002
mcdill-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing MacDill AFB and Central Command       June 6, 2002
bis060602.txt         Encryption Export Regs Revised for Wassenaar     June 6, 2002

port-sec.htm          House Passes Bill to Boost Port Security         June 6, 2002
nuke-balm.htm         Eyeballing DIRNSA Residence                      June 5, 2002
intel-dig.htm         Intel Probers Urged to Dig Deep and Be Tough     June 5, 2002
nist060502.htm        NIST Public Meeting on WTC Disaster              June 5, 2002
europol-rape.htm      Vile Europol Plot for Data Rape                  June 5, 2002

uscg060402.txt        Don't Go Near US Naval Warships                  June 4, 2002
nsa-ziplip.htm        NSA Launches Ad Campaign Urging Secrecy          June 4, 2002
hacker-idea.htm       Some Thoughts on the Idea of 'Hacker Culture'    June 3, 2002
driver-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Radio Station Driver            June 2, 2002
cutler-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Radio Station Cutler            June 2, 2002

kings-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay        June 2, 2002
mil-smear.htm         Military Anthrax Investigation Smears Teacher    June 1, 2002
jcrs-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Jim Creek Naval Radio Station         June 1, 2002
bangor-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Submarine Base Bangor           June 1, 2002
puget-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Puget Sound Naval Shipyard            June 1, 2002

O f f s i t e

hizbullah           ^ Spying Indictment: Providing Maps to Hizbullah   June 29, 2002
aqua                ^ Aqua Splash Satellite                            June 29, 2002
G8 Gift               G8 Security Plan Provided Reporter /A            June 28, 2002
MS Vile               MS Palladium: The Devil Inside /B                June 28, 2002

dnarth              ^ DNA Artwork Authentication                       June 28, 2002
box cut               Soon al-Qaeda will kill you on the Internet /T   June 28, 2002
aq-attacks          ^ Al Qaeda Cyber-Attacks                           June 27, 2002
Loose Nukes           Nuclear Non-Proliferation: US Needs to Do More   June 26, 2002
G8 Pact               Cooperative G-8 Action on Transport Security     June 26, 2002

BPDG Final            BPDG Final Report to the Copy Protection Group   June 26, 2002
TCPA MS               TCPA/Palladium FAQ by Ross Anderson              June 26, 2002
aleppo              ^ Mohammed Atta, Urban Planner: 1994-2001          June 25, 2002
MS Ploy               Microsoft to Eradicate GPL, Hence Linux /T       June 25, 2002
moscow              ^ Moscow's CIA Map                                 June 24, 2002

canvas              ^ GPS Canvas                                       June 24, 2002
cache               ^ Geocaching                                       June 24, 2002
Home Sick             Homeland Security Bill Bars Whistle Blowing /P   June 24, 2002
Foxes                 Palladium: Microsoft et al's Computer Hijack /M  June 23, 2002
geology             ^ Afghan Geology                                   June 23, 2002

pipeline            ^ Gas and Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Mapping        June 23, 2002
Galileo               Nato warns military could be hurt by EU Sat /T   June 22, 2002
TCPA                  Ross Anderson on US Computer Makers' Vile TCPA   June 20, 2002
hackers             ^ Pro-Islamic Hackers                              June 20, 2002
war-sim             ^ Half-Life, Half-Death                            June 20, 2002

BIS New               BIS What's New on Encryption Exports             June 20, 2002
ICBMs                 Eyeballing the Nuclear Missile Sites /M          June 20, 2002
OBL *                 Homeland Security Weakness Award Proposed /D     June 19, 2002
Deck Sec              New FAA Rule on Foreign Flightdeck Security      June 19, 2002
Crow Bars             Law Enforcement Tools Needed for Cyber Crime /M  June 19, 2002

bush-sec2             Bush Plans Data Retention Law /P/D               June 19, 2002
doomsday            ^ Doomsday Modelling                               June 19, 2002
fence               ^ Security Concept: Not Border                     June 19, 2002
FERCed                GAO: Federal Energy Regulation Sucks             June 18, 2002
Liar                  Challenge to Ex-Lie Detector Prez /G             June 17, 2002

UK Fizzle             Secret plan for nuclear bomb factory /O/A        June 17, 2002
SVBxLABS              Experimentation with Electromagnetic Weapons     June 16, 2002
DCIDs                 CIA Releases Intelligence Directives /S          June 14, 2002
UKGB                  UK Office of Surveillance Commissars /O          June 14, 2002
TX-Site               Eyeball of US Army Frankfurt DE Comm Site /A     June 14, 2002

10-13                 Top 10 police database abuses /A                 June 14, 2002
RU-CN Warn            Concerns on Russia/China Export Controls         June 14, 2002
mit-challenge       ^ MIT Slams Fed Research Censors                   June 13, 2002
nima-cbrta          ^ NIMA Chem-Bio-Rad Procurement                    June 13, 2002
DC Ver                Duncan Campbell on NATO Spy Photo Leakage        June 13, 2002

sat-hack            ^ NATO Insecure Sat Hack                           June 13, 2002
aq-stego            ^ Al Qaeda Web Stego                               June 13, 2002
SP800-34              NIST Contingency Planning Guide for IT Systems   June 13, 2002
gov priv              CSSPAB Report on Government Privacy Policy       June 13, 2002
death-hack          ^ Norwegian Death Crack                            June 12, 2002

intel-loc           ^ Locating Intelligence in Government              June 12, 2002
nano-chip           ^ Nano Terabit Chips                               June 12, 2002
big-syn             ^ Neo Battlespace Visualizations                   June 12, 2002
scitech             ^ New at CIA Sci-Tech                              June 12, 2002
CIA Harvey            Eyeballing CIA Harvey Point Training Base /O     June 12, 2002

Killeen               Eyeballing Killeen Nuclear Storage Facility /D   June 12, 2002
Clean Bombs           Where US Nuclear Weapons Were in 1997            June 11, 2002
LEO                   Law Enforcement Online /A                        June 8, 2002
Space Biz             Space Surveillance Network: Business Prospects   June 7, 2002
USG>USG               Dubya calls for US Gestapo /A                    June 7, 2002

uk-eyeballs         ^ UK Eyeballs                                      June 7, 2002
sum-fear            ^ Hi Rez Sum of All Profits                        June 7, 2002
bio-map             ^ Bioterror Space                                  June 7, 2002
pa-mapper           ^ Palestinian Authority Chief Cartographer         June 6, 2002
Sick                  NY Times sicks FBI on MSNBC journo               June 5, 2002

WTC Study             World Trade Center Building Collapse Study       June 5, 2002
USTASI                Vile Ex-CIA chief: US needs a STASI              June 5, 2002
BPDG Xed              EFF et al Pan Hollywood's Digital TV Ploy        June 4, 2002
NSA Buttpat           Prez Commends NSA for 50 Years of SIGINT/Crypto  June 4, 2002
MS DRM                MS: Grow the New Economy, Protect Digital Rights June 4, 2002

X-Box Xed             X-box Cracked /H                                 June 4, 2002
Un?                   Unanswered Questions about 9/11 /S               June 4, 2002
Wet                   Wet Work in Tennessee /M                         June 4, 2002
Memo                  FBI Blunder /S                                   June 4, 2002
Unmemo                CIA Blunder /S                                   June 4, 2002

MAY 2002

bis053102.txt         EAR Revisions for Chem-Bio Weapons Control       May 31, 2002

phsac053102.txt       Prez's Homeland Security Advisory Council Meet   May 31, 2002
pra-sigint.htm        SIGINT: The Peoples' Republic of Angola          May 31, 2002
earle-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval Weapons Station Earle           May 31, 2002
hrcw-hear.htm         Hearing on Home Recording of Copyrighted Works   May 30, 2002
navsub-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Subase New London/NSGA Groton   May 29, 2002

dod-whinsec.htm       DoD Names Terrorism School Board Members         May 29, 2002
usa-v-jwl-dkt.htm     USA v. John W Lindh - Docket 28 May 2002         May 29, 2002
usa-v-zm-dkt.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui - Docket 24 May 2002   May 29, 2002
usa-v-rcr-dkt.htm     USA v. Richard C Reid - Docket 23 May 2002       May 29, 2002
usa-v-rph-dkt.htm     USA v. Robert P Hanssen - Docket 28 May 2002     May 29, 2002

ussc052902.txt        PATRIOT Act Sentencing Amendment                 May 29, 2002
ntia052902.htm        RFC on Children's Internet Protection Act        May 29, 2002
dvd052902.txt         DVD Copy Control Association Membership          May 29, 2002
gummy.htm             "Gummy" Fingers Beat Fingerprint Systems Update  May 28, 2002
xxx-jesus-cams.htm    Abortion Pornographers XXX-Jesus-Cams Moms       May 28, 2002

pcast052802.txt       Prez Sci/Tech Panel Meet: Terrorism, Broadband   May 28, 2002
usn-ctoah.pdf         Navy Handbook for Crypto Technician Commo        May 28, 2002
usn-cttah.pdf         Navy Handbook for Crypto Technician Technical    May 28, 2002
usn-ctmah.pdf         Navy Handbook for Crypto Technician Maintenance  May 28, 2002
usn-ctrah.pdf         Navy Handbook for Crypto Technician Collection   May 28, 2002

rosman-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Former NSA Rosman Station         May 27, 2002
comsec-edu.htm        Communications Security Training and References  May 27, 2002
cord-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Unknown Florida Intercept Station     May 26, 2002
nsgani-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing NSGA at North Island NAS, San Diego   May 26, 2002
eafb-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Edwards AFB/NASA Dryden Flight Center May 24, 2002

usn-ctiah.pdf         Navy Handbook for Crypto Technician Interpreter  May 24, 2002
csspab052402.htm      Computer Security and Privacy Board Meet at NSA  May 24, 2002
hhs052402.htm         Rating the Strength of Scientific Evidence       May 24, 2002
wipo052002.htm        WIPO Treaty on Internet Copyright Enters Force   May 24, 2002
nromf-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing NRO Mission Control Center            May 24, 2002

nrohq-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing National Reconnaissance Office HQ     May 23, 2002
site-r.htm            Eyeballing Site R - Raven Rock Cheney Bunker     May 23, 2002
neuralsub.htm         Analysis of Neural Cryptography                  May 22, 2002
drm-eu.htm            EU Digital Rights Management Meeting             May 22, 2002
tri-eyeballs.htm      Eyeballing the Three Quivering Branches of USG   May 22, 2002

llnl-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Lawrence Livermore National Lab       May 21, 2002
echelon2-arch.htm     Meet the Architect for Echelon II                May 21, 2002
after-wtc.htm         After WTC: Rethinking New York                   May 21, 2002
woods-work.htm        Lebbeus Woods in Paris and New York              May 21, 2002
terrp052102.txt       Domestic Terrorism Panel Meet                    May 21, 2002

bis052002.txt         EAR Revisions for Missile Control Regime         May 21, 2002
tami-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Unknown Tamiami (CIA?) Station        May 21, 2002
nsgah-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Dead NSGA Homestead                   May 21, 2002
ckafs-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Cudjoe Key Air Force Station          May 20, 2002
vegas-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Sodom and Gomorrah                    May 20, 2002

hoov-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Hoover Dam                            May 20, 2002
fake-prints.htm       Bio Fingerprint Recognition: Burned Fingers      May 19, 2002
bad-bird.htm          Really Bad Bird in Afghanistan                   May 18, 2002
wtc-hear.htm          WTC Planning Public Hearing                      May 17, 2002
occ051702.txt         OCC Rule on Electronic Banking                   May 17, 2002

fanx-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the NSA Friendship Annex              May 16, 2002
oz-for-real.htm       Guardless Prison Guards                          May 16, 2002
gummy.htm             Fake "Gummy" Fingers Beat Fingerprint Systems    May 15, 2002
usss-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing US Secret Service Training Facility   May 15, 2002
nsgasd-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Naval Security Group San Diego    May 15, 2002

nsa051502.txt         NSA Records of Child Care                        May 15, 2002
af051502.txt          USAF Secret Meets                                May 15, 2002
biz-war.htm           Exporters Want USG to Ape Cheaters               May 15, 2002
life-panic.htm        UN Official Warns of Life Style Terrorism        May 15, 2002
davis-quiz.htm        Julia-ann Davis Quizzed: Stephen Lawrence Murder May 14, 2002

ost-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing CIA Office of Special Technology      May 13, 2002
scs-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing CIA/NSA Special Collection Service    May 13, 2002
nsa3-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the NSA Neighborhood                  May 13, 2002
ksc-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Kennedy Space Center              May 12, 2002
ymp-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Yucca Mountain Project            May 10, 2002

us-ru-dirty.htm       US, Russia Agree to Protect Dirty Bomb Yucca     May 10, 2002
s2459.htm             Terrorist Identification System Bill             May 10, 2002
moyock-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Moyock Naval SIGINT Station       May 10, 2002
clone-beat.htm        Ross Anderson on Beating IBM Phone Clone Hack    May 9, 2002
stc-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the CIA Special Training Center       May 9, 2002

math-spy.htm          Mathematical Methods for Homeland Spying         May 8, 2002
gao-02-402rni.htm     Space Surveillance Data Controls Needed          May 8, 2002
lucas-mail.htm        Lucas Helder Mailbox-bomb Manifesto              May 8, 2002
npt050302.htm         Homeland Panic Targets Nuclear Facilities        May 8, 2002
fema050802.htm        Nuclear Emergency Procedures Addenda             May 8, 2002

usa-v-zm-dkt.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui Docket 05/03/02        May 8, 2002
usa-v-rcr-dkt.htm     USA v. Richard C. Reid Docket 05/07/02           May 8, 2002
usa-v-jwl-dkt.htm     USA v. John Walker Lindh Docket 05/07/02         May 8, 2002
maf-v-cia-dkt.htm     Mohammed al-Fayed v. CIA Dockets 05/06/02        May 8, 2002
fbi2-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the FBI Academy                       May 7, 2002

wtc-proposal.htm      Proposal for Initial Phase of WTC Planning       May 7, 2002
wtc-rfp.htm           RFP for Initial Phase of WTC Planning Update     May 7, 2002
winter-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Naval Security Group at Winter Harbor May 4, 2002
two-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Two Rock Ranch Communications Sta.    May 4, 2002
acc-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the US Army Chemical Center           May 4, 2002

af050302.txt          AF Scientists Secret Meet with CNN/Info Wizzes   May 3, 2002
usa050302.txt         US Army Offers Bio-War Patents                   May 3, 2002
fcc050302.txt         Mitigation of Orbital Debris                     May 3, 2002
dtc050302.txt         American Arms Addiction, Meatloaf Paradise       May 3, 2002
faa050302.txt         FEIS on Kistler Aerospace Launches               May 3, 2002

fcc050202.txt         CALEA Wiretap Requirements for PCS               May 3, 2002
dos050202.txt         Exporting Americanism, Defanging Islam           May 3, 2002
hhs050202.txt         Determination/Treatment of Radiation Doses       May 3, 2002
ferc050202.txt        Energy Off the Record Communications             May 3, 2002
nsga031502.htm        Naval Security Group Activity on 15 March 2002   May 3, 2002

fmsoc-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Ft. Meade SIGINT Operations Center    May 3, 2002
spy-hunting.htm       Paradigm Shift in Professional Spy Hunting       May 1, 2002
wtc-house.htm         House Hearing on Investigation of WTC Collapse   May 1, 2002
bank-data.htm         Bank Data on Terrorists and Criminals (2.1MB)    May 1, 2002
dmc050102.htm         Maritime Commission Aims to Up Port Security     May 1, 2002

O f f s i t e 

WAE                   Wargaming the Asymmetric Environment /D          May 31, 2002
Ducks                 Fire and Blast Design of Offshore Facilities     May 31, 2002

Rollback              FBI and CIA Rigs Win for Domestic Spying         May 30, 2002
Bablyon               Project Babylon Speech Spying /A                 May 30, 2002
UNHinged              UN Spooked by Phantom Iraqi WMDs                 May 29, 2002
CIP Biz               Biz Ops in Critical Infrastructure Protection    May 29, 2002
AF Biz                Exports and Reexports to Oil Palmistan           May 29, 2002

U2 PaulO              Placate the Snake Before Purifying the Water     May 29, 2002
DTI Study             Information Security Consultancy /C              May 28, 2002
Ate mail              Carnivore Pigged Lotta Bin Ladens /M             May 28, 2002
dr-atta             ^ 9/10/01: Mistaken Identity in NYC                May 28, 2002
ofek5               ^ Israeli Spy Sat Launch                           May 28, 2002

IR Nuke               Eyeballing Iran's Nuke Power Plant /S            May 28, 2002
MM                    Seymour Hersh on Missed 9/11 Intel Messages      May 28, 2002
TSC                   The Surveillance Card                            May 27, 2002
Pin                   Digital Lock? Try a Hairpin                      May 26, 2002
WWW                   Webbed, Wired and Panicky                        May 26, 2002

SHAD                  DoD Gassed/Germed US Sailors in 1960s            May 24, 2002
SV v. MPAA            Silicon Valley Fights Hollywood's Bribes         May 24, 2002
JB v. MPAA VR         Baudrillard Fights Hollywood Illusory Reality    May 24, 2002
Anti NSA              Victim of NSA Polygraphing                       May 23, 2002
geo-one-stop        ^ FGDC Geospatial One-Stop Service                 May 22, 2002

Atta                ^ 9/10/01: Atta in NYC to Coordinate GPS           May 22, 2002
SPT                   The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism        May 18, 2002
Sign It               Sign Open Letter to EuroParl on Data Spying /T   May 18, 2002
XMSG                  Export Management Systems Guidelines             May 17, 2002
HPCX                  High Performance Computer Export Controls        May 17, 2002

east-jerusalem      ^ East Jerusalem Demographics                      May 15, 2002
urban-interface     ^ Collective Emotional Intelligence                May 15, 2002
NZSIS                 NZ Security Intelligence Service /J              May 14, 2002
Scot Spy              DIRTY Scotland Enterprise                        May 14, 2002
SOFIA                 Smartcard Optical Fault Induction Attacks        May 14, 2002

Spy Spots             CN/FAS Archive of Intel and Military Facilities  May 13, 2002
shaheed             ^ Art of War                                       May 13, 2002
greenline           ^ Funding Green Line Security Fence                May 13, 2002
PI Maps             ^ Palestine / Israel Maps                          May 13, 2002
spot5               ^ SPOT 5 First Images                              May 13, 2002

foul-up             ^ Afghan Map Foul-Ups                              May 13, 2002
mmi                   Multi-Hazard Mapping Portal (offsite)            May 13, 2002
sc-op                 Smart Card Hack 010                              May 13, 2002
cc-op                 Credit Card Theft 101                            May 13, 2002
dmz-atlas.htm       ^ Parallel Atlas: 38°N                             May 11, 2002

DMCA Con              EFF: Unintended Consequences of DMCA             May 9, 2002
DMCA Con              Court Decision to Dismiss Elcomsoft Motion       May 9, 2002
EU Ape 1              EU Apes US Homeland Dragnet Panic                May 8, 2002
EU Ape 2              EU Apes US Homeland Data Snoop Panic             May 8, 2002  
friendly-fire       ^ IDF Device Prevents Friendly Fire                May 2, 2002

cromatica           ^ Surveillance Cameras Predict Behavior            May 2, 2002
wind-block          ^ Military Tilts at Wind Farms                     May 1, 2002
dust                ^ Smart Dust                                       May 1, 2002
unattended          ^ Soliciting Expendible, Unattended Sensors        May 1, 2002
persistent          ^ Persistent Battlespace Surveillance              May 1, 2002

APRIL 2002

nro-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the National Reconnaissance Office    April 30, 2002
yrs-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Yakima Echelon Station            April 29, 2002

usml042902.txt        US Munitions List Revision                       April 29, 2002
fusai042902.txt       Future of the US Aerospace Industry              April 29, 2002
fincen042902.txt      FINCEN Patriot Act Money Pit                     April 29, 2002
nts-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Nevada Nuclear Test Site          April 28, 2002
pantex-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Pantex Nuclear Warhead Plant          April 28, 2002

anl-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Argonne National Laboratory           April 28, 2002
ipngs-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Indian Point Nuclear Generating Sta.  April 28, 2002
sugar-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Sugar Grove Echelon Station           April 28, 2002
cpoc-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Cryptome                              April 27, 2002
wmd4-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing a Weapon of Mass Destruction 4        April 27, 2002

wmd3-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing a Weapon of Mass Destruction 3        April 27, 2002
wmd2-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing a Weapon of Mass Destruction 2        April 27, 2002
mrsoc-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the Medina Regional SIGINT Center     April 27, 2002
fbi-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Federal Bureau of Investigation   April 27, 2002
atf042602.txt         ATF Annual Explosives List                       April 26, 2002

bis042602.txt         Bureau of Industry and Security Replaces BXA     April 26, 2002
cmoc-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Ctr  April 26, 2002
cbw-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing a Weapon of Mass Destruction 1        April 25, 2002
cia-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Central Intelligence Agency       April 25, 2002
nsa-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the National Security Agency          April 25, 2002

fema042502.txt        Radiological Emergency Exercises                 April 25, 2002
dsb042502.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet on Future War  April 25, 2002
nnsa042502.txt        Nuclear Security Research Secret Meet            April 25, 2002
ferc042502.txt        Energy Off the Record Documents                  April 25, 2002
us-media-puff.htm     U.S. Media: Profit, Propaganda and Puffery       April 24, 2002

jenin-eye.htm         Eyewitness Report from Jenin                     April 24, 2002
wtc-rfp.htm           World Trade Center Redevelopment RFP             April 24, 2002
usa-v-zm-ht1.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui Hearing 22 April 2002  April 24, 2002
sigint-ch-tour.htm    Swiss SIGINT Tour                                April 23, 2002
dodd5111-11.htm       DoD Director of Net Assessment                   April 23, 2002

usa-v-zm-dkt.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui Docket 22 April 2002   April 23, 2002
echelon-biz.htm       Ex-NSA Official Echelon II Biz Boast             April 23, 2002
faa042202.txt         RFC on Marketing Air Passenger Fear and Rage     April 22, 2002
ins042202.txt         INS on Minimizing Detainee Information           April 22, 2002
cops042202.txt        Funding for More Cops in Schools                 April 22, 2002

pki042202.txt         PKI Forum Anti-trust Members                     April 22, 2002
dodd5105-67.htm       DoD Counterintelligence Field Activity           April 22, 2002
dodd3150-5.htm        DoD Response to Improvised Nuclear Devices       April 22, 2002
dodd8520-1.htm        Protecting Sensitive Compartmented Information   April 22, 2002
dodd1400-36.htm       Intelligence Community Officer Progams           April 22, 2002

dodd1400-35.htm       Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System   April 22, 2002
calea-snoop.htm       CALEA Wiretap Patents                            April 20, 2002
gao-02-620.htm        GAO: China’s Semiconductor Industry Threatens US April 20, 2002
dsb041902.txt         DSB Secret Meet on Homeland Nukes                April 19, 2002
nnsa041902.txt        Nuclear Security Meet on Plutonium Disposal      April 19, 2002

dia041902.txt         Defense Intelligence Secret Meet                 April 19, 2002
sec041902.txt         SEC Approves Nationwide Internet Advisors        April 19, 2002
nist041502.htm        NIST Postpones WTC Collapse Hearing              April 19, 2002
s2137.txt             Update: Family Privacy Protection Act (.porn)    April 18, 2002
ccs-oil.htm           CCS Counter Spy Shops Go Public                  April 18, 2002

nmd-cs.htm            NMD                                              April 18, 2002
ep-spy-vote.htm       Update: EuroParl Partly Rejects Data Spying      April 18, 2002
fbi-spy-jobs.htm      FBI Spy Jobs                                     April 18, 2002
ftc041702.txt         Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule        April 17, 2002
fcc041702.htm         FCC Proposed Rule on Cable Modem Net Access      April 17, 2002

jenin-news.htm        News from inside the Jenin refugee camp          April 16, 2002
fcc041602.txt         FCC on Emergency Alert System Requirements       April 16, 2002
pd-2002-12.txt        Prez Orders $98M to Korean Energy Corp           April 16, 2002
dot041602.txt         RFC on Airline Security Compensation             April 16, 2002
gao-02-438r.htm       USG Funding for Selected Surveillance Devices    April 15, 2002

radikal-case.htm      Radikal Case in Court After 5 Years              April 15, 2002
rant-v-rant.htm       Rant Inappropriately. Multiply by 20,000. Duck.  April 15, 2002
nuke-fallout.htm      Hazards of Nuclear Fallout 1951-62               April 15, 2002
istac041502.txt       Information Systems TAC Meeting                  April 15, 2002
ferc041502.txt        Off the Record Energy Communications             April 15, 2002

sv-spy-game.htm       Silicon Valley's Spy Game                        April 13, 2002
eo2002-mcm.htm        Exec Order 2002 to Amend Courts-Martial Manual   April 12, 2002
doj041102.htm         Ashcroft Memo On Federal Terror Info Sharing     April 11, 2002
usa-v-4bad-ind.htm    USA v. 4 Alleged Terrorism Helpers - Indictment  April 10, 2002
usa-v-rcr-dkt.htm     USA v. Richard Reid Docket 8 April 2002          April 10, 2002

usa-v-zm-dkt.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui Docket 8 April 2002    April 10, 2002
usa-v-jwl-dkt.htm     USA v. John Lindh Docket 4 April 2002            April 10, 2002
fbi041002.txt         FBI Interpol Records                             April 10, 2002
doe041002.htm         DOE RFP for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring         April 10, 2002
terrific2.htm         Ashcroft on 4 Indicted for Terrorism Help        April 9, 2002

gao-02-529r.htm       GAO: Army Needs CRADA Export Control Guidance    April 9, 2002
terrific.htm          Lawyer, 3 Others Indicted for Terrorism Help     April 9, 2002
af-wake-code2.txt     Wake Island Code Final Rule                      April 9, 2002
terrp040902.htm       Homeland Terrorism Panel Meet                    April 9, 2002
gwb-freaks.htm        Prez Freaks the Citizenry                        April 9, 2002

tom-freaks.htm        Tom Ridge Freaks the States                      April 9, 2002
ro-spy-list.htm       Romanian Daily Publishes List of RO Spies        April 8, 2002
blast-info.htm        Blast Protection Information                     April 8, 2002
nist040802.txt        NIST Public Meeting on WTC Collapse              April 8, 2002
faa040802.txt         FAA Proposes Airbus Special Conditions           April 8, 2002

dirty-antisec.htm     Dirty AntiSec - DIRT's Firewall Disabler         April 7, 2002
dirty-toast.htm       Dirty T.O.A.S.T. - DIRT's DDoS                   April 5, 2002
us-emsux.htm          US Emergency Services Not Ready for Terrorism    April 5, 2002
bldg-hard.htm         Military Engineering and Building Hardening      April 5, 2002
nrc040502.txt         Radiation Skin Dose Limit Upped by 10            April 5, 2002           

fac040502.txt         Balkans Drug Pins Foreign Assets Blocked         April 5, 2002
dirty-spock.htm       DIRTy SPOCK - NSA Meeting Minutes                April 4, 2002
soiled-dove2.htm      The Soiled Dove II - BAe/Brit/Saudi/Bin Laden    April 4, 2002
antisec-boom.htm      Antisec Movement Booming                         April 4, 2002
wilen040302.htm       Time for Data Base Dystopia (Ellison redo)       April 4, 2002

us-uk-tax.htm         US, UK to Share Tax Data on Virgins              April 4, 2002
doe040402.txt         Nuke Police Speedup                              April 4, 2002
wap040402.txt         Wireless Apps Antitrust Membership               April 4, 2002
loc040402.txt         Library of Congress Information Disclosures      April 4, 2002
frp040402.htm         Federal Radionavigation Plan                     April 4, 2002

dod-zubaydah.htm      DoD Probed on Probe/Torture of Abu Zubaydah      April 3, 2002
journos-hit.htm       Journalists Under Attack in Palestine            April 3, 2002
nist040202.htm        Commerce Approves FIPS 198 Keyed-Hash MAC        April 3, 2002
dos040102.txt         State Dept Calls for Muslim Rights Initiatives   April 3, 2002
doe040102.txt         DoE Rule on Penalites for NatSec Leaks           April 3, 2002

nsep040102.htm        NatSec Education Funding                         April 3, 2002
bethlehem-shit.htm    Shit Goes Down in Bethlehem                      April 2, 2002
us-war-inc.htm        America's War Incorporated                       April 2, 2002
ugfpci98.htm          UGFs for Protection of Critical Infrastructures  April 2, 2002
ti853-01.htm          Protecting Buildings/People: Airborne Hazards    April 1, 2002

O f f s i t e 

d02687t               Technologies to Secure Federal Buildings         April 29, 2002
WTC                   Results of WTC Collapse Investigation on 5/1     April 29, 2002

russian             ^ Russian Military Geography                       April 27, 2002
mecca-maps          ^ World-maps for Finding Mecca                     April 27, 2002
prison-gis          ^ Prison GIS                                       April 27, 2002
SKY                 ^ Jerusalem SKY                                    April 26, 2002
users               ^ Homeland GIS Users Community                     April 26, 2002

earth               ^ Earth Super Simulator                            April 26, 2002
TPV                   The Politics of Verticality /J                   April 26, 2002
ERAS                  FEMA: Emergency Response Action Steps            April 25, 2002
CN Panic              CIA Warns of Chinese Plans for Cyber-Attacks /A  April 25, 2002
Spy Panic             US Spy Networks Being Rebuilt /J                 April 25, 2002

FPH                   Federal Polygraph Handbook /G                    April 25, 2002
MAP                   DoD Munitions Action Plan                        April 24, 2002
Dough                 Treasury Seizes PATRIOT Act Dough /D             April 24, 2002
gaza-view           ^ Free Internet GIS: Israel, West Bank, Gaza       April 24, 2002
WTTF                  Nova: Why the Towers Fell                        April 23, 2002

WTC 2                 Rebuilding the World Trade Center                April 23, 2002
AP TV                 Assassination Politics on TechTV                 April 23, 2002
cuba-map            ^ Gov't. Sues to Halt Kennedy Map Sale             April 23, 2002
mil-geo             ^ New Nine-layer Ground                            April 23, 2002
sentinels           ^ Autonomous Sentinels                             April 23, 2002

super-ants          ^ Euro Supercolonists                              April 23, 2002
nasa-war            ^ Militarizing NASA Images                         April 23, 2002
NL FU                 Dutch Srebrenica Report /CW                      April 23, 2002
Boz Int               Bosnian Intelligence Report /J/R                 April 23, 2002
BXA Poof              BXA Becomes BIS                                  April 23, 2002

PGP Enemy             Keeping e-mail encryption alive /R               April 22, 2002
mnftiu                Get your war on                                  April 21, 2002
Architect!!!          Michael Leyton, Indiscrete Mathematician         April 18, 2002
Architects?           Rich Firms, Poor Ideas on WTC Site               April 18, 2002
Architect             Environmental Restoration                        April 18, 2002

UCP                   DoD's New Unified Command Plan                   April 17, 2002
Yobs                  British Spies Get Unionized /D                   April 16, 2002
HR 4187               Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2002 /S   April 16, 2002
Mo Porn               Supreme Court Strikes Down Morph Porno Law /C/B  April 16, 2002
CIA OFF RIT           RIT Students/Faculty Fight CIA Recruiting        April 16, 2002

Vile Spy              Spying on Instant Messages                       April 15, 2002
UK LLT                UK Less Lethal Technologies /M                   April 15, 2002
Bombmaking            MoD Explains How to Build A Nuke /N              April 15, 2002
BM                    Black Mac /M                                     April 15, 2002
Manic                 Telecom Firms Are Deluged With Subpoenas /B      April 14, 2002

Goo Goo               Nanny-Cam May Leave a Home Exposed /J            April 14, 2002
FCC FBI               FCC Boosts FBI CALEA Wiretap Provisions /N       April 13, 2002 
Bio Know              What Consumers Need to Know About Bioterrorism   April 12, 2002
Home Health           Homeland Health                                  April 12, 2002
Seth 2                Stalked by Seth                                  April 12, 2002

Seth                  EFF Pioneer Against Censorware                   April 11, 2002
NID?                  Questions About Nationwide Identity Systems /D   April 11, 2002
WS-Spec               Web Security Services Specs                      April 11, 2002
WS-Sec 3              MS, IBM, VeriSign to Offer Web Security Services April 11, 2002
Posse                 Ashcroft Briefing on Fed Terror Info Sharing /D  April 11, 2002

OFL                   Operation Fiat Lux: New NSA War                  April 11, 2002
HS:ANG                GAO: Homeland Security: Achieving National Goals April 11, 2002
NP:NS                 GAO: National Preparedness: National Strategy    April 11, 2002
MTN                   Mapping Terrorist Networks /A                    April 11, 2002
MHN                   Mapping Hijacker Networks /A                     April 11, 2002

Sex Sec               Sexual Behavior: Relevance to Security           April 10, 2002
DSS Pubs              Defense Security Service Publications            April 10, 2002
HR USA                Human Rights in the United States in 2001 /DM    April 8, 2002
Con Job               Privacy Stripped for Less Security /D            April 8, 2002
AFI 14-104            USAF Conduct of Intelligence Activities          April 8, 2002

AFI 14-102            USAF International Intelligence Agreements       April 8, 2002
AFI 62-201            USAF System Survivability (1994)                 April 8, 2002
AFPD 62-2             USAF System Survivability (1993)                 April 8, 2002
AFSPCI 62-201         USAF Hardness Maintenance/Hardness Surveillance  April 8, 2002
TR 9836               Survey of Buildings Subject To Explosive Blasts  April 8, 2002

NSS 1740.12           NASA Safety Standard for Explosives              April 8, 2002
HNDM-1110-1-2         USACE Suppressive Shields Structural Design      April 8, 2002
CEHND 1110-1-1        USACE Design Manual for Architect-Engineers      April 8, 2002
DEF 149-30-01         Standard Definitive Design of Barricades         April 8, 2002
WTC Doubts            WTC Collapse Raises Doubts About Fire Tests      April 8, 2002

MfSV                  Stasi Victims -                    April 6, 2002
burky                 Suppression of Blast Effects from Vehicle Bombs  April 6, 2002
amit                  Design Techniques to Strengthen Soft Buildings   April 6, 2002
smith                 Blast Assessments for Security Professionals     April 6, 2002
moore                 Acoustic Characterization of Bunker 1201         April 6, 2002

mcnulty               Remotely Controlled Non-Lethal Weapons           April 6, 2002
DIBP                  DARPA Immune Building Program                    April 5, 2002
CUGF                  DARPA Counter Underground Facilities             April 5, 2002
TBSC                  Terrorist Bombing Structural Collapse            April 5, 2002
HFES                  High-protection-factor Family Expedient Shelter  April 5, 2002

REWBM                 Reinforced Earth Walls for Blast Mitigation      April 5, 2002
RSCOB                 Radiation Shielding of Concrete Office Building  April 5, 2002
EMI Tents             Portable EMI-Protection Shelters                 April 5, 2002
PPV Fans              Use of PPV Fans for Chem Contaminated Buildings  April 5, 2002
FM 3-19.40            Military Police Internment Operations /L         April 4, 2002

Pan Am 103            Inquiry on Pan Am 103 Bomb Suitcase /M           April 4, 2002
B/W Hats              National CyberCrime Conference /D                April 4, 2002
Shhh (ok)             Unveiled Secrets of Cryptology /W                April 4, 2002
JS Guide 5260         A Self-Help Handbook to Combating Terrorism /J   April 4, 2002
ETL 1110-3-494        Airblast Protection Retrofit: CMU Walls (FOUO)   April 4, 2002

ETL 1110-3-495        Damage to Structures from Terrorist Bombs (FOUO) April 4, 2002
ETL 1110-3-498        Protection Shelters to Resist CBR Agents         April 4, 2002
ETL 1110-3-501        Windows Retrofit: Film/Catcher Bar System (FOUO) April 4, 2002
EM 385-1-80           Radiation Protection Manual                      April 4, 2002
TM 5–855–4            HVAC of Hardened Installations (7.8MB)           April 4, 2002

AP 385–64             Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards       April 4, 2002
AR 385–64             U.S. Army Explosives Safety Program              April 4, 2002
DoD TP 15             Explosives Safety Protective Construction        April 4, 2002
DoD 6055.9            Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards       April 4, 2002
DoD TB 700-2          Ammo and Explosives Hazard Classification        April 4, 2002

HCV                   Health Clinic Violence 1998-2000                 April 3, 2002
TAGHW                 Threat Assessment Guide for Houses of Worship    April 3, 2002
BIB                   Bombs in Brooklyn                                April 3, 2002
FP                    US Army Force Protection Guide (2.2MB)           April 3, 2002
IFPG                  USAF Installation Force Protection Guide         April 3, 2002

VBMG                  Vehicle Bomb Mitigation Guide (5.4MB)            April 3, 2002
BIBP                  Basic Information for Building Protection        April 3, 2002
BMAG                  Blast Mitigation Action Group                    April 3, 2002
ertss                 Emergency Response to Terrorism: Self-Study      April 3, 2002
TW Panic              Taiwan Bangs NatSec Drum /D                      April 3, 2002

BDPG Rules            BDPG Compliance Rules /S                         April 3, 2002
BDPG Blog             BDPG Blog /S                                     April 3, 2002
SP 800-45             NIST Guidelines on Electronic Mail Security      April 3, 2002
SP 800-40             NIST Procedures for Handling Security Patches    April 3, 2002
What Spy              Whatever Happened to Carnivore? /C               April 2, 2002

MARCH 2002

pbfbd95.htm           Protecting Buildings From Bomb Damage            March 31, 2002

bmfs99.htm            Blast Mitigation for Structures                  March 30, 2002
fincen032902.txt      Reporting Suspicious Casino/Card Transactions    March 29, 2002
itar032902.txt        Arms Export Exemption for Higher-Ed Research     March 29, 2002
bauchner.htm          Reaffirming Copyright in the Digital Age         March 29, 2002
usa-odd-coup.htm      Our Very Peculiar American Coup d'etat           March 28, 2002

siop032802.txt        Strategic Command SIOP Secret Meet               March 28, 2002
abl032802.txt         Airborne Laser SEIS                              March 28, 2002
usa032802.txt         Army Patent: Silencer for Saboted Projectiles    March 28, 2002
doe032802.txt         Amend National Industrial Security Program       March 28, 2002
ferc032802.txt        Energy Off-the-Records Comments                  March 28, 2002

gwb-lube.htm          Bush Seeks $3.5 Billion to Oil Homeland Heroes   March 27, 2002
dos032702.txt         Terrorists Added to List (updated)               March 27, 2002
hhs032702.txt         HHS Proposal on Health Records Privacy           March 27, 2002
dsb032702.txt         Defense Science Board on Homeland Nukes/BMD      March 27, 2002
nsa031202.htm         NSA on Skills for National/Homeland Security     March 27, 2002

usa-visa-does.htm     USA Filings in Summons of Visa Offshore Accounts March 26, 2002
nrc032602.htm         NRC Reports Dangerous Corrosion at Nuke Plant    March 26, 2002
ftc032602.htm         FTC Hearing on Consumer Digital Privacy          March 26, 2002
doj-doe-cards.htm     DoJ Summons 1-2 Million Offshore Credit Cards    March 25, 2002
gao-02-548t.htm       Combatting Terrorism: National Strategy          March 25, 2002

dvd032502.txt         DVDCCA Anti-Trust Membership                     March 25, 2002
cncs032502.txt        Calling All Homeland Panic Patriots              March 25, 2002
bush-kills.htm        J'Accuse - Encore: Bush's Death Squads Updated   March 23, 2002
wtc-1993.htm          Occupant Behavior in 1993 WTC Bombing            March 23, 2002
dcdsn.htm             Design Consideration of Distributed Storage Nets March 22, 2002

hmg-v-shayler4.htm    Court Judgement in Regina v. Shayler             March 22, 2002
hmg-v-shayler3.htm    David Shayler Loses Appeal on Public Secrets     March 22, 2002
sec032202.txt         SEC Rule on Post-Arthur Anderson Indictment      March 22, 2002
s2048.txt             Hollings Statement on Broadbandits Bill          March 22, 2002
ferc032102.txt        Energy Off-the-Records Comments                  March 22, 2002

dsb032102.txt         Defense Science Board on Bio Weapons             March 22, 2002
eo13259-60-61.txt     Executive Orders 13259, 13260, 13261             March 22, 2002
broadbandits.htm      Hollings Broadbandits Digital Security Bill      March 21, 2002
dod-mco1.htm          DoD Military Commission Order No. 1              March 21, 2002
dirt-safrica.htm      DIRT and South Africa                            March 21, 2002

dea-il-spy.htm        DEA Report on Suspicious Israeli Art Students    March 21, 2002
dirt-author.htm       DIRT's Author                                    March 19, 2002
dirt-feedback.htm     DIRT Release Feedback                            March 19, 2002
faa031902.txt         Final Rule on Cockpit Security                   March 19, 2002
doj031802.txt         RFC on Homeland Security Warnings                March 19, 2002

dos031902.txt         Designation of Terrorism Persons                 March 19, 2002
fac031902.txt         Blocked Assets of Terrorism-Related Persons      March 19, 2002
bop031902.txt         Yearly Cost of Federal Prisoner                  March 19, 2002
fda031802.htm         FDA Guidance on Anti-Anthrax Drugs               March 18, 2002
usa-destroyed.htm     The War that Destroyed America                   March 18, 2002

site-r.htm            Site R - Raven Rock Governmental Bunker          March 17, 2002
dirty-hope.htm        H.O.P.E. - DIRT's Dirtier Trojan Spy             March 17, 2002
dirt-guide.htm        DIRT Reference Guide/Operations Manual           March 16, 2002
fbi-nz-talks.htm      FBI and New Zealand Talk Top Secret/Kidnap       March 15, 2002
af031502.txt          US Air Force Secret Meets                        March 15, 2002

mda031502.txt         Missile Defense EIS                              March 15, 2002
fmc031502.txt         RFC on Impact of New Chinese Shipping Law        March 15, 2002
ferc031502.txt        Off the Record Energy Communications             March 15, 2002          Enabled DIRT Program - Use Illegal! (1.2MB)      March 15, 2002         DIRT Program, Installation and User Guide (2.4M) March 14, 2002

dsb031402.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets on Terror     March 14, 2002
echelon-be2.htm       Belgian Investigation of Echelon                 March 14, 2002
wtc-lights.htm        WTC Towers of Light Equipment                    March 13, 2002
gao-02-490t.htm       Homeland Security: Progress Made, Still Amok     March 12, 2002
dfw-security.htm      Dallas-Fort Worth Airport Security               March 12, 2002

tomlinson-foia2.htm   State Dept Response to Tomlinson FOIA Request    March 12, 2002
bxa031102.txt         BXA Axes Infocom's Exports                       March 12, 2002
dod-npr.htm           DoD Nuclear Posture Review Updated               March 10, 2002
nsa030402.htm         NSA on Partnerships for Combating Terrorism      March 9, 2002
bxa030802.txt         BXA Rules on CTP and Wassenaar                   March 8, 2002

cncs030802.txt        Funds for Citizen Help with Homeland Security    March 8, 2002
usa-v-jwl-dkt.htm     USA v. John Walker Lindh Docket 6 March 2002     March 7, 2002
usa-v-rcr-dkt.htm     USA v. Richard Reid Docket 6 March 2002          March 7, 2002
usa-v-zm-dkt.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui Docket 4 March 2002    March 7, 2002
wipo-wct.htm          World Copyright Treaty Enters into Force         March 7, 2002

wtc-hearing.htm       Hearing Testimony on WTC Collapse                March 7, 2002
doj-nscc.htm          DoJ National Security Coordination Council       March 7, 2002
spy-museum.htm        Art of Surveillance and Control                  March 6, 2002
bxa030502.htm         BXA Implements Wassenaar on Computers, CTP       March 6, 2002
oecd-veil-docs.htm    OECD Veils Public Documents                      March 5, 2002

pd030502.txt          Prez Names Bliss Allies                          March 5, 2002
samhsa030502.txt      Tests for Blissful Government Service            March 5, 2002
dea030502.txt         Gads-Billion DEA Dimedrops Yemen Bliss Firm      March 5, 2002
irs030502.txt         IRS Irony on 10-fold Claim for IRS Assault       March 5, 2002
bpm030502.txt         No. 1 Arms Exporter Disowns Its Kids             March 5, 2002

actd2002.htm          Defense Advanced Systems and Concepts for 2002   March 4, 2002
nrc030402.txt         NRC Names Nuke Plant Key Kidnap Targets          March 4, 2002
fincen030402.txt      FinCEN Rules on PATRIOT Act Dirty Cash Sharing   March 4, 2002
omb030402.txt         OMB Extends Plan to Withhold Dirt                March 4, 2002
dia030402.txt         Defense Intelligence Costly Gadgets Meet         March 4, 2002

jcus030402.txt        Caligulians Vacation, Scheme Broadened Crime     March 4, 2002
opm030402.txt         Vacation for 9/11 Workers Restored               March 4, 2002
usa030402.txt         US Army Readies Cold and Hot Warfighters         March 4, 2002
caligula-mad.htm      The Caligulian American Justice System           March 3, 2002
eu-drm-wp.htm         EU Digital Rights Management Working Paper       March 3, 2002

ie-spies.htm          The Reality of Intelligence in Ireland           March 2, 2002
wtc-quandary.htm      WTC: Ethical Quandaries, Pivotal Boundaries      March 2, 2002
usa-v-ms-pcl.htm      USA v. Microsoft - Public Comments List          March 2, 2002
bush-kills.htm        J'Accuse - Encore: Bush's Death Squads Update    March 1, 2002
gnu-radio.htm         GNU Radio                                        March 1, 2002

usa-v-ms-pc.htm       USA v. Microsoft - Notice on Public Comments     March 1, 2002
sssca-promo.htm       Senate SSSCA Promotional Hearing Testimony       March 1, 2002
gsa030102.txt         GSA Rule on Cellphone Use While Driving          March 1, 2002
doj030102.txt         DoJ Collection on A-Bomb Radiation Victims       March 1, 2002
achp030102.txt        Protection of Historic Pipelines                 March 1, 2002

O f f s i t e 

Sigint                Weapons of the Secret War /S                     March 29, 2002
Cops                  Mirror Justice Files Before Censored /DM/JG      March 29, 2002
POL                   Report on Privacy Online (PDF, 1.8MB)            March 29, 2002
Radius       Crypto Archive                        March 29, 2002

Pilate                Ashcroft Hot to Crucify Moussaoui                March 28, 2002
Doomsday              Doomsday Scenario - Emerging Infectious Diseases March 28, 2002
Knock Not             When the Cyber Cop Comes Knocking                March 28, 2002
imagine             ^ Imagine...(not Lennon)                           March 28, 2002
Net Panic             Terror's Confounding Online Trail                March 28, 2002

zone                ^ Free-Speech Zones                                March 27, 2002
blood-lust          ^ Blood Lust                                       March 27, 2002
panic-room          ^ Your Own Panic Room                              March 27, 2002
hs-products         ^ Homeland Marketing                               March 27, 2002
Nobody                Invisible Cryptologists                          March 26, 2002

USD                   Unfamous Solana Decision /T                      March 26, 2002
Spy War               Report on Foreign Economic Espionage 2001        March 26, 2002
remains             ^ FDNY Maps WTC Remains                            March 26, 2002
neural-jokes        ^ Jokes for Fast Encryption                        March 26, 2002
gps-chip            ^ Implantable Anti-kidnap Chip                     March 26, 2002

predator            ^ Real Time Battle Video Distracts                 March 26, 2002
USG AP                Assassination and Terrorism /M                   March 25, 2002
New Panic             Dirty Nukes /J                                   March 25, 2002
Old Panic             Kid Nukes /J                                     March 25, 2002
Freep                 Reporters Letter on Freedom of the Press /P      March 25, 2002

Carlyle (ok)          The Carlyle Bandits /N                           March 25, 2002
WI                    Waging IWAR /M                                   March 25, 2002
ITM                   IWAR Threat Model  /M                            March 25, 2002
Deptox                Deployment Toxicology /A                         March 25, 2002
EMP Concrete          TEMPEST Protection Concrete /D                   March 22, 2002

Exit (ok)             Elcomsoft Motion to Dismiss /K                   March 22, 2002
DIA Fox               DIA Spy for Cuba Foxed Lie Detector /G           March 21, 2002
rotor-uav           ^ Rotor-Craft Surveillance UAV                     March 20, 2002
ice-collapse        ^ Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapses                     March 20, 2002
Vanity Design         WTC Titanic                                      March 19, 2002

settlements         ^ Spotting New West Bank Settlements               March 19, 2002
1984                  Stop 1984 /T                                     March 19, 2002
DIRT Dig              DIRT Analyzed, Found to be Crap /W               March 19, 2002
CIA Rue               CIA Apologizes for Persistent Cookies /D         March 18, 2002
ayazi               ^ Electrical Engineer Maps Afghanistan             March 18, 2002

DIRT Germs            DIRT Buggers /A                                  March 18, 2002
circumnavigate      ^ Chinese Navy Discovers America                   March 18, 2002
CIA Bolix             CIA Anthrax Pusher? /W                           March 18, 2002
Raven Rock Hoot       Journalists Spy on Site R Bunker /W              March 17, 2002
gravity-map         ^ Mapping Your Bumpy Gravity Field                 March 17, 2002

battlespace         ^ Battlespace Software Promo Video                 March 16, 2002
rubble              ^ Mapping WTC Rubble                               March 16, 2002
veep-hole             Cheney's Bunker - Site R                         March 15, 2002
Raven Rock            AJCC: US Shadow Government Bunker? /S            March 15, 2002
Raven Rock Sec        AJCC: Physical Security /S                       March 15, 2002

ASL                   A Secret Landscape /S                            March 15, 2002
DoI Bunker            Interior Dept Underground Bunker /S              March 15, 2002
pipeline-map        ^ Security for National Pipeline Mapping System    March 15, 2002
sgi-battleviz       ^ SGI to Power Navy Battlespace Visualization      March 15, 2002
geo-reach           ^ Decision-quality Imagery                         March 15, 2002

CIA Nab               CIA Violates Cookie Policy /D                    March 15, 2002
goldrush            ^ Wide Area Augmentation Prospecting               March 15, 2002
balkan              ^ Zoran Djindjic and Balkan Maps                   March 15, 2002
palmtop             ^ JEDI Battlefield Targeting                       March 15, 2002
ES Spy                Spanish State Surveillance /G                    March 15, 2002

Echelon BE            Belgian Senate Report on Echelon (FR) /B         March 14, 2002
Wash DIRT             Law Enforcement DIRT Trojan Released             March 14, 2002
NPR Open (ok)         Excerpts of Classified Nuclear Posture Review /S March 14, 2002
CRV                   CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing /D                  March 14, 2002
Home Heil             Denver Police Ape STASI /R                       March 12, 2002

TSCM                  What to do after you discover the bug /J         March 11, 2002
Bunk Buster           Assessing NSA: An Even Deeper Bunker /S          March 11, 2002
Skullmap            ^ Cambodian Skull Map Dismantled                   March 11, 2002
Geoviz              ^ Geovisualisation Methods Conference              March 11, 2002
ICANN?                Where goes ICANN? /Q                             March 10, 2002

<ICANN                ICANN Rollback /Q                                March 10, 2002
DSEi                  "Fighting for Peace = Fucking for Virginity" /L  March 10, 2002
ATACMS                Photo of Lockheed Martin Cluster Bombs /L        March 10, 2002
Petart                Coalition for a Positive Sexuality /D            March 10, 2002
Petard                CDC Sex Site Has Some Eyes Sore /D               March 10, 2002

Bush Unthink          Secret Nuke Plan Outlines the Unthinkable        March 9, 2002
Bush Panic            Bush Prepares Mini-Armageddons /G                March 9, 2002
dod-npr.htm           Related 01/09/02 DoD Nuclear Posture Review 
BPDG Rules            Protection of Unencrypted Digital Content        March 8, 2002
BPDG MPAA             Prepared by Certain MPAA Company Reps            March 8, 2002

BPDG CE IT            Prepared by CE and IT Representatives            March 8, 2002
TSCMH                 Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Handbook  March 8, 2002
QPPP                  Quantum Prefect Private Privacy /M               March 8, 2002
Ice Trip            ^ Mapping Antarctic Ice Shelf Routes               March 8, 2002
FBI 2003              FBI Statement on Funding for 2003                March 8, 2002

MB Bath             ^ Multibeam Bathymetry for Secure Ports & Harbors  March 7, 2002
E-Duds                Wearable computing to defeat terrorism /T        March 7, 2002
RU All                Russians Spy E-Mail Like All Spies /W/D          March 7, 2002
Math Spy              Snooping Mathematics for the Homeland            March 6, 2002
TA USA                Thoughts About America /J                        March 6, 2002

Death Codes           Lessons Learned from Ground Zero                 March 6, 2002
Web Panic             Al-Qaida Might Use Web, E-mail /R/N              March 6, 2002
Fuel Fire             New Strategic Scenario Analysis on al-Qaida /M   March 6, 2002
Opt Risks             Optical Time-Domain Snooping on CRT Displays /M  March 5, 2002
Opt Leak              Information Leakage from Optical Emanations /J   March 5, 2002

Anti-Poly 2           The Lie Behind the Lie Detector, 2nd Ed. /G      March 5, 2002
Faith Based           US National Security Preachers /K                March 5, 2002
USG Panic             USG Panic Rooms Reported in Oct 2001 /SA         March 4, 2002
CI CIA                Counterintelligence Against the CIA /M/A         March 4, 2002
Gardner             ^ Fuel Cells Instead of Terrorist Cells            March 4, 2002

Flash Hole          ^ Trojaned Flash Hole                              March 4, 2002
Disarm-DSEi           Another September 11 Story                       March 4, 2002
Panic Time            Can We Stop the Next Panic Attack? /I            March 4, 2002
HBWW                ^ High Bandwidth War                               March 3, 2002
Light Strike        ^ Bird Risk at WTC Light Memorial                  March 3, 2002

puretls               Pure TLS 0.9b2 /ER                               March 1, 2002
CML                   Certificate Management Libary v2.0.1 /JP         March 1, 2002
sp800-44              NIST Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers   March 1, 2002
Inflame               Harvard's 9/12 Fuel Panic Terrorism Experts      March 1, 2002
DE ZPL                German List of TEMPEST Zoned Products /D         March 1, 2002


fcc022802.txt         FCC Eyes Net Broadband Booty; SSSCA Lockbox?     February 28, 2002
uscs022802.txt        Customs Eyes Forfeiture Booty                    February 28, 2002
eaa-split.htm         White House, Congress Eye Export Booty           February 28, 2002
kgb-afghan.htm        The KGB in Afghanistan                           February 28, 2002
spy-illegal.htm       Operation of Illegal Spies                       February 28, 2002

recruit-spy.htm       Recruiting Domestic Spies and Agents             February 28, 2002
doj-footshot3.htm     DoJ Hiding Secret Weekly Reports to Ashcroft - 3 February 27, 2002
hollings022502.txt    Hollings SSSCAs: Copyright Pals Need Secure Pipe February 26, 2002
vp-911-savior.htm     VP Cheney: 9/11 Godsend for Spy Tech Sector      February 26, 2002
sneaky-cyspy.htm      CDT on Sneaky Cyber-Spying (Rat ISP Users)       February 26, 2002

bxa-neopoint.htm      Neopoint Fined for Crypto Export                 February 26, 2002
af022602.txt          USAF Electronic Devices Secret Meets             February 26, 2002
usace022602.txt       Corps of Engineers Disaster Planning             February 26, 2002
fema022602.txt        FEMA on Disaster Mitigation Planning             February 26, 2002
bug-jail.htm          Use a Bug, Go to Jail (Rat Bug Competition)      February 25, 2002

smime-freeware.htm    S/MIME Freeware Library v2.0.1 Now Available     February 25, 2002
snacc-freeware.htm    Enhanced SNACC Freeware v1.3 R8 Now Available    February 25, 2002
kokkalis-dirt.htm     Socrates Kokkalis - More Allegations             February 25, 2002
dos022502.txt         PATRIOT Act Fingerprinting Camel Nose            February 25, 2002
ncs022502.txt         National Security Communications Secret Meet     February 25, 2002

pki022502.txt         PKI Forum Antitrust Members                      February 25, 2002
uk-vilest.htm         UK's Worst Appalling Heinous Menace              February 24, 2002
tomlinson-mi6.htm     Richard Tomlinson on MI6 Vendetta                February 24, 2002
tomlinson-foia.htm    State Dept FOIA on Tomlinson Visa Denial         February 24, 2002
cg-v-vp-comp.htm      Comptroller General v. Vice President Complaint  February 24, 2002

tomlinson-ban.htm     Richard Tomlinson Denied US Visa                 February 22, 2002
tsa022202.txt         The Bible of Aviation Security, Dont Panic       February 22, 2002
tsa022202-2.txt       Security for Aircraft over 12,500 lbs.           February 22, 2002
omb022202.txt         OMB Unshoots Foot on Gov Info Quality            February 22, 2002
uscg022202.txt        Marines/Navy Sneak Attack Homeland               February 22, 2002

bsa-lockout.htm       BSA Writes EU Software Patents Directive         February 22, 2002
wsj-pearl.htm         WSJ: Daniel Pearl Is Dead                        February 22, 2002
usa022102.txt         Army Offers License for Hantavirus Vaccine       February 21, 2002
fast-cracker.htm      Fast Smart Card Cracker Using DPA/DFA            February 21, 2002
dc-coder.htm          DC Coder Cable Circumvents DMCA                  February 20, 2002

dos-be-intel.htm      State Dept Release on 1953 Belgian Intelligence  February 20, 2002
irs022002.txt         How to Hide a Golden Parachute                   February 20, 2002
tsa022002.txt         Air Safety Fees Bail Bandits Who Get New Office  February 20, 2002
csspab022002.txt      Computer Security/Privacy Vanishing Meet         February 20, 2002
cdc022002.txt         CDC Jaws with Cruise Ship Cesspoolers            February 20, 2002

evil021902.htm        Ashcroft: Freedom Is Terrorism                   February 19, 2002
faa021902.txt         FAA Security Procedures at DC Airports           February 19, 2002
uscg021902.txt        Coast Guard Security Zones at Western Dams       February 19, 2002
bxa021902.txt         BXA Regs and Procedures TAC Meet                 February 19, 2002
doj-footshot2.htm     DoJ Hiding Secret Reports to Attorney General 2  February 19, 2002

tla-probes4.htm       Probes of Intelligence Agencies and FBI Pt. 4    February 18, 2002
dmca-n-worse-mg.htm   The DMCA and What's Worse (Mike Godwin)          February 17, 2002
tla-probes.htm        Probes of Intelligence Agencies and FBI Pt. 1    February 17, 2002
tla-probes2.htm       Probes of Intelligence Agencies and FBI Pt. 2    February 17, 2002
tla-probes3.htm       Probes of Intelligence Agencies and FBI Pt. 3    February 17, 2002

doj-footshot.htm      DoJ Hiding Secret Reports to Attorney General    February 16, 2002
g8-isp-e-spy.htm      G8 Gov-ISP Plan for Cyberspace Spying            February 16, 2002
bush-war-peace.htm    Bush Plans Big War and Wee Peace                 February 16, 2002
uwb021402.htm         FCC Approves Ultra-Wideband Snooping Systems     February 15, 2002
60-warheads.htm       60 Eggheads Make War on Terrorism Omelette       February 15, 2002

cysec021402.htm       White House Cybersecurity Panic Rap              February 15, 2002
tell-robots-txt.htm   Tell File Robots.txt                             February 14, 2002                          
echelon-is-jp.htm     MEP Schroeder Aids Echelon Probe by Japan        Febraury 14, 2002
rspa021402.htm        Security of HazMat in Transportation             February 14, 2002
usss-e-seizure.htm    US Secret Service: Seizure of E-Evidence         February 13, 2002

fbi-web-mirror.htm    FBI On Its Web Cache Mirroring                   February 13, 2002
usa-v-sma-dht.htm     USA v. Sherman Austin - Detent. Hrg. Transcript  February 13, 2002
us-ipiracy.htm        US Vaunts Intellectual Piracy Rights             February 12, 2002
fbi-workload.htm      FBI Mission and Workload                         February 11, 2002
homeland-tech.htm     21st Century Technology to Defend the Homeland   February 11, 2002
nowar-natsios.htm     USAID Head on No-War Development Assistance      February 11, 2002
feingold-terr.htm     Feingold: War Powers and War on Terrorism        February 11, 2002
911-insight.htm       Ex-SecDef Urges Homeland Spying Panic, Etc.      February 11, 2002
e-spy-telecom.htm     Electronic Surveillance of Telecommunications    February 10, 2002

amer-demo-rip.htm     American Democracy: R.I.P.                       February 10, 2002
usa-v-jwl-dkt.htm     USA v. John Walker Lindh Docket 02/08/02         February 9, 2002
sma020802.htm         Sherman Austin Update                            February 8, 2002
protocols.htm         Protocols or Controls                            February 8, 2002
usa-v-sma-dkt.htm     USA v. Sherman Austin Dockets 02/05/02           February 8, 2002

anti-keylogger.htm    Anti-Keylogger Snakeoil Honeypot                 February 8, 2002
rtf-news02.htm        Raise the Fist News 2                            February 8, 2002
hr3394.htm            House Approves Cyber Paranoia Panic Bill         February 8, 2002
doj020802.txt         DoJ Limits Alien Aviators to UAVs                February 8, 2002
usa020802.txt         US Army Limits NatSec Drunks: E-Drink-o-meter    February 8, 2002

usa-v-jwl-dh.htm      USA v. John Walker Lindh, Detention Hearing      February 7, 2002
cse-honeypot.htm      CSE Honeypot Credit Cards                        February 7, 2002
patriot-porn.htm      Patriotic Pervs Pine for Prisoner Pain Porn      February 7, 2002
cia-fbi-threats.htm   CIA and FBI CYA-Threats to US                    February 7, 2002
dsb020702.txt         DSB Secret Meet on Terrorism Panic               February 7, 2002

rtf-news.htm          Raise the Fist News                              February 6, 2002
fac020602.txt         Battling Hopeless Diamond Trade Terrorism        February 6, 2002
fhwa020602.txt        RFC on Endless Highway Repair Rage Terrorism     February 6, 2002
dia020602.txt         Defense Intel Agency Secret CBW Panic Meet       February 6, 2002
doi020602.txt         Freezing Records of Enroning US Indians          February 6, 2002

usa-v-sma-aca.htm     USA v. Sherman Austin - Affidavit for Arrest     February 5, 2002
usa-v-jwl-gji.htm     USA v. John Walker Lindh, Grand Jury Indictment  February 5, 2002
ins020502.txt         Immigration Data Management Task Force Meet      February 5, 2002
usa-v-rtf-swa.htm     USA v. Sherman Austin - Search Warrant/Affidavit February 5, 2002
fcc020402.txt         FCC to Hear Kevin Mitnick on Radio License       February 4, 2002

O f f s i t e 

Peg                   Margaret Newsham/Lockheed Make Deal /D           February 28, 2002

Bahrain GIS         ^ Bahrain GIS Conference                           February 27, 2002
911 Ltd               Big Ticket Privacy, Security and Safety /DM      February 27, 2002
EPC                 ^ Auto-ID Tracks U                                 February 27, 2002
Ideas ITAR          ^ Weapons Grade Academic Freedom                   February 27, 2002
Road Spy            ^ Road Tripping with Big Brother                   February 27, 2002

Origami Algo        ^ Algo Predicts Crumpled Maps                      February 27, 2002
War Pix             ^ Satellite War Pix Market                         February 27, 2002
RSA Crack             Message on Bernstein RSA Crack /S                February 26, 2002
nsfciruit             Daniel Bernstein Paper on RSA Crack /S/S         February 26, 2002
SAS                   Military Butcher Arm Candy /W                    February 26, 2002

Net OSI               Net As An Open Source Intelligence Tool /D       February 26, 2002
I-Band                The Intelligence Product Spectrum /D             February 26, 2002
RBP                   Reconsidering Business Processes /D              Febraury 26, 2002
NY Yanker             NY Fears NY Information                          February 26, 2002
Ice Puke              Chilling Effects Org                             February 25, 2002

Pot Kettle            White House Psyops DoD's 'We Do Not Lie' /A      February 25, 2002
Pukevox               Valenti Pukes on Internet /A                     February 25, 2002
Peeknot               Peekabooty aims to banish internet censorship /F February 25, 2002
Spy Spin 2            Spies Who Called the Shots /D/W                  February 24, 2002
Spy Spin              Spies, Lies and the Distortion of History /D     February 24, 2002

Tempest HNTV          HIJACK, NONSTOP, and TEAPOT Vulnerabilities /A   February 22, 2002
Maxwells              Prof Wants to Train CIA Comics on Campus /J      February 22, 2002
Weird                 Scary /A                                         February 22, 2002
DE                    Directed Energy /G                               February 22, 2002
Kokkalis              Tycoon faces charges of spying, fraud /A         February 20, 2002

Copyright 1           Case Highlights Debate on Public Domain          Feburary 20, 2002
Copyright 2           Justices to Review Copyright Extension           February 20, 2002
Eldred                Supreme Court to Hear Internet Copyright Dispute February 19, 2002
Shhh!                 Biowar Expert: FBI IDs Anthrax Suspect /MV       February 19, 2002
Psy Slop              Pentagon Disinformation Efforts /R               February 19, 2002

USACE Pubs            US Army Corps of Engineers Publications          February 19, 2002
ep1110-2-13           Engineering - Dam Safety Preparedness            February 19, 2002
em1110-2-2200         Gravity Dam Design                               February 19, 2002
em1110-2-2201         Arch Dam Design                                  February 19, 2002
em1110-2-2300         Earth and Rock-Fill Dams                         February 19, 2002
cecw                  Civil Works Engineer Manuals                     February 19, 2002
ep1110-1-18           Engineering - Ordnance and Explosives Response   February 19, 2002
ep1110-345-102        Engineering - Explosives Storage Magazines       February 19, 2002
ep75-1-3              Explosives - Recovered ChemWar Materiel Response February 19, 2002

CCI                   Intelligence Course: A 21st Century Approach     February 18, 2002
DiD                   Defense In-Depth: Design Notes                   Feburary 18, 2002
Bind                  Social Contract/Value Chain/Dependency           February 18, 2002
IC Failure            The Coming Intelligence Failure (1997) /S        February 18, 2002

IP Panic              Senator Biden on Global IP Warfare /LB           February 18, 2002
Spy Porn              Investigator Porn Software /WK                   February 17, 2002
Bamford               James Bamford Slams NSA/CIA Failures /DH         February 17, 2002
I-Crime               Transnational Crime Reports and More /D          February 17, 2002
Robots98              1998 Article on Robots.txt Revelations /JM       February 16, 2002

Oil Coup 1            Bush Oil Ties Supporting Slow Coup d'Etat /WM    February 16, 2002
Oil Coup 2            Bush Oil Ties Supporting Slow Coup d'Etat/ WM    February 16, 2002
GIS                   OMB Report on Government Infosecurity            February 16, 2002
FM30-40-2             US Army Manual: Basic Cryptanalysis /JL          February 15, 2002
FreeFist              Raise The Fist Charges Dropped                   February 15, 2002

NTAC                  US Secret Service National Threat Assessment     February 14, 2002
AAPSS                 Targeted Violence Against Judicial Officials     February 14, 2002
E-Raid                Secret Service: Seizing Electronic Evidence      February 14, 2002
EnronGOP              EnronOwnstheGOP Threatened by TX GOP /DM         February 14, 2002
CYA CIA               CIA to Probe CIA Failure /PL                     February 14, 2002

Enigma                Enigma Files /RB                                 February 14, 2002
FM20-32               Mine/Countermine Operations /MF                  February 14, 2002
C-Path                Critical Path CEO Pleads Guilty to Enroning      February 14, 2002
USAO CAN              US Attorney Northern California                  February 14, 2002
CoS                   Scientology Finagles Google Rankings /A          February 13, 2002

Jon Fund              EFF Establishes Jon Johansen Support Fund /SF    February 13, 2002
AEDRM                 Adobe E-Books Director on Digital Rights /CG     February 13, 2002
Myopic 2              DoD Bloviator of Panic Panopticon                February 13, 2002
Myopic                FBI, CIA Edsels A Panic Panopticon /C            February 13, 2002
FNWN                  Fight Networks with Networks                     February 12, 2002

IPR                   US Intellectual Piracy Rights Site               February 12, 2002
SafeNot               SafeWeb/PrivaSec's Holes Increase Risk /SD       February 12, 2002
E-Rat                 FBI/USSS Guide to Reporting on E-Intrusions      February 12, 2002
GovCrime.bye          WA Measure Would Censor GovCrime Biz Info /DM    February 11, 2002
FK-Gulls            ^ Gulls Raid WTC-Fresh Kills Investigation Site    February 11, 2002

AGD                 ^ Afghanistan Geospatial Datasets                  February 11, 2002
USGS Hit              USGS Report on WTC Environmental Hazards /BC     February 11, 2002
USGS Hide             News: Cover-up of USGS WTC Hazards Report /BC    February 11, 2002
DROM                ^ Defense-Related Oceanography Models              February 11, 2002          News: Government Crime Business Booming          February 11, 2002          Report: Government Crime Business Booming        February 11, 2002
S1867                 Witness Statements on 911 Failure Inquiry        February 11, 2002
SOE                   Special Operations Executive Docs Released /AS   February 9, 2002
NnN                   Networks and Netwars /MM                         February 8, 2002
Evil Net              Internet is CIA's Fount of Evil /DR              February 8, 2002

DMCAshot              Dmitry Sklyarov Stones Goliath /KF               February 7, 2002
Darth NIMA          ^ Populator of the Grand Knowledge Map             February 7, 2002
HM Dunce              UK Export Bill Threat to Academic Freedom /RA    February 7, 2002
WhaleINT            ^ Whale-seeking Satellite                          February 6, 2002
SCCUC                 Secure Communication and Commerce Using Crypto   February 6, 2002

Evade               ^ DoD Evasion Chart                                February 6, 2002
MMI                 ^ RFQ: Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative (242KB)     February 6, 2002
Rulers                They Rule /SE                                    February 6, 2002
SuperDARN             SuperDARN Follows HAARP /JS                      February 6, 2002
ELF                   ELF Neuron Effects /JS                           February 6, 2002

EUFBI                 Europol Monkey-Boys FBI /TB                      February 6, 2002
Hate Kill             WW2 Propaganda Posters /T                        February 6, 2002
FGDS                ^ Homeland Security and GIS                        February 5, 2002
RTWM                ^ Registered Trademark word METADATA               February 5, 2002
LLI                 ^ Leveraging Location Intelligence                 February 5, 2002

GSDI                ^ Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference    February 5, 2002
Kidnap              ^ Kidnap GPS                                       February 3, 2002
AU Privile            AU Privacy Rule Against Intel Snooping /GB       February 2, 2002
TUT                 ^ Intelligence Fusion for Targets-Under-Trees      February 2, 2002
CPA02                 Cyberterrorism Preparedness Act of 2002 /MP      February 2, 2002


bush-kills.htm        J'Accuse: Bush's Death Squads                    January 31, 2002

usa-v-esds-nmd.htm    USA v. Elcom/Sklyarov - Defts' Dismissal Notices January 31, 2002
doj013102.txt         Guide for Terrorism/Crime Victims Assistance     January 31, 2002
dos013102.txt         RFP Sports Diplomacy Initiative                  January 31, 2002
tsa013102.txt         Passenger Aviation Security Fees                 January 31, 2002
rus013102.txt         Specification for Voice Frequency Loading Coils  January 31, 2002

ncix-asis-fbi.htm     NCIX/ASIS/FBI Regional Seminar, New York City    January 30, 2002
cryptome-ban.htm      Cryptome Banned from NY Press Horde              January 30, 2002
usa-v-es-mtd.htm      USA v. Elcomsoft - Motion to Dismiss             January 29, 2002
wh-cyberoil.htm       White House Plan for Cyber Protection Snake Oil  January 29, 2002
wtc-freshkills.htm    WTC Fresh Kills Criminal Investigative Site      January 27, 2002

thug-screw.htm        Global Corporate Thug Screws Alien Slave         January 26, 2002
usa-v-jwl-ia.htm      USA v. John Lindh, Initial Appearance Transcript January 25, 2002
usn-grosc.htm         Fort Gordon Regional Security Operations Center  January 24, 2002
inscom-update.htm     INSCOM Dossiers Received Update                  January 24, 2002
tempest-time.htm      TEMPEST Timeline (Updated)                       January 23, 2002

doa012302.txt         US Army: Combatting Dengue Virus, Ricin Toxin    January 23, 2002
ferc012302.txt        RFC: Withdrawal of Energy Public Information     January 23, 2002
fema012302.txt        Disaster Assistance to Individuals & Households  January 23, 2002
doc011702.htm         Commerce and Customs on Exports to China         January 23, 2002
usa-v-zm-arr.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui - Arraignment          January 22, 2002

fbi012202.txt         FBI Security Secret Meets                        January 22, 2002
dsb012202.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               January 22, 2002
nnsa012202.txt        Nuclear Arms Safety Semi-Secret Meet             January 22, 2002
pki012202.txt         PKI Forum Anti-Trust Membership                  January 22, 2002
usa-v-zm-htv.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui - Hearing on Trial TV  January 21, 2002

usa-v-rph-gp.htm      USA v. Robert Hanssen - Guilty Plea              January 21, 2002
nyt-wsj-dod.htm       Why Wall Street Journal Shared Files with DoD    January 21, 2002
usa-v-zm-dkt.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui - Docket 01/18/02      January 21, 2002
usa-v-rcr-dkt.htm     USA v. Richard C. Reid - Docket 01/18/02         January 21, 2002
kokkalis-stasi.htm    Socrates Kokkalis and the STASI                  January 20, 2002

lost-codewar.htm      Losing the Code War                              January 20, 2002
cia-homespy.htm       The CIA's Domestic Spying                        January 20, 2002
obl-kl-dream.htm      Osama Bin Laden/Ken Lays's Dream Defense Team    January 19, 2002
wsj-spytrip.htm       Alleged Al Qaeda Spy Trip and Encrypted Files    January 18, 2002
us-psywar.htm         US Propaganda War on Terrorism                   January 18, 2002

usta-v-fbi-cad.htm    USTA v. FBI: USTA Wins CALEA Wiretap Appeal      January 18, 2002
faa011802.txt         Rule on Olympics Airspace and Flight Operations  January 18, 2002
eo13253.txt           Executive Order on Coast Guard and Reserves      January 18, 2002
nima011802.txt        NIMA Privacy Records                             January 18, 2002
us-cn-exports.htm     US Policy on Exports to China                    January 17, 2002

ussc011702.txt        Revised Sentencing Guidelines for Terrorism etc. January 17, 2002
usa-v-rcr-ind.htm     USA v. Richard C. Reid - Indictment              January 16, 2002
nato-awacs.htm        More NATO Awacs to Snoop USA for TLA, Wink       January 16, 2002
doj011602.txt         DoJ Restricts Aviation Training for Aliens       January 16, 2002
uscg011602.txt        Coast Guard Security/Counterterrorism Workshop   January 16, 2002

rspa011602.txt        More Rules on Hazardous Pipeline Safety          January 16, 2002
dsb011602.txt Defense Science Board Secret Meet January 16, 2002 usa-v-jwl-hit.htm USA v. John Walker Lindh - Complaint Filed January 15, 2002 nsa-xx-gov.htm NSA Crippled Crypto Makes Congress Vulnerable January 15, 2002 nai-pgp-sux.htm NAI's Support of PGP Sucks, Maybe January 15, 2002 hhs011502.txt Public Health Office for Bioterrorism Threats January 15, 2002 doa011502.txt Reporting Animal/Plant Viruses, Serums, Toxins January 15, 2002 mi5-cert.htm Certificate for Release of MI5 Files January 15, 2002 nro011402.txt Yanking National Reconnaissance Office Records January 14, 2002 fda011402.txt Get Ready for Anthrax-Tainted Blood January 14, 2002 fcc011402.txt Streamling Taps of Submarine Cable Landings January 14, 2002 rspa011402.txt Shoddy Repair of Killer (Enron) Pipelines January 14, 2002 wtc-ghoul.htm WTC Survivors Call a Viewing Stand Ghoulish January 13, 2002 brownfields.htm Brownfields Legislation to Erase Corporate Crime Janaury 12, 2002 gao-02-203.htm GAO v. State Dept: Piss War On Arms Biz January 12, 2002 enron-scam209.htm Enron's 209 Bankruptcy Cases 1993-2002 January 12, 2002 enron-sec8k.htm Enron SEC 8-K Filings Mask Looming Bankruptcy January 11, 2002 gov-deepnet.htm Governmental Monitoring of Internet Traffic January 11, 2002 faa-cocksec.htm FAA Sets Standards for Cockpit Security January 11, 2002 loral-china.htm Loral Settlement on Giving China Satellite Data January 11, 2002 dea011102.htm DEA Initiates PKI Pilot on Drug Orders January 11, 2002 fda011102.txt FDA on Medical Device Software Validation January 11, 2002 dia011102.txt Defense Intelligence Agency Secret Meet January 11, 2002 bugs-deal.htm Dealing in Covert Electronics January 10, 2002 dod-npr.htm DoD Nuclear Posture Review January 10, 2002 fema011002.txt Federal Policy on Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) January 10, 2002 dsb011002.txt Defense Science Board Secret Meet on ChemWar January 10, 2002 usa-v-zm-dkt.htm USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui - Docket 1/9/02 January 10, 2002 wtc-platform.htm WTC Viewing Platform January 9, 2002 fda010902.htm Food Security Preventive Measures Guidance January 9, 2002 cdc010802.txt RFC Chem War Agents GA (Tabun), GB (Sarin), VX January 8, 2002 isp-nofilter2.htm Responses to ISPs Not Filtering Viruses January 8, 2002 usa-v-agm-dkt.htm USA v. Mokhtar Haouri, Abdel Mekini Docket January 7, 2002 bernstein-push.htm Dan Bernstein Pushes for Revised Crypto Regs January 7, 2002 wtc-crimes.htm WTC Crimes: Coverup, Celebrity, Hurry-up Plans January 7, 2002 hhs010702.htm HHS List of Drug-Use Test Labs (Ft. Meade?) January 7, 2002 fcc010702.txt FCC Repeals Rule on Scrambling XXX TV Programs January 7, 2002 faa010702.htm FAA Rule on Criminal Records Check January 7, 2002 fac010702.txt Foreign Assets Control Records January 7, 2002 nsf010702.txt NSF Meet on Cyberinfrastructure January 7, 2002 isp-nofilter.htm On ISPs Not Filtering Viruses January 6, 2002 ground-zero.htm Ground Zero January 5, 2002 watson-spy.htm Croatia Uses US-Installed "Watson" Spying System January 5, 2002 dod-spectrum.htm DoD Appoints Head of Spectrum and C3 Policy January 4, 2002 af-no-famine.htm USAID Head Says Afghan Famine Averted January 3, 2002 nsa010302.txt NSA/CSS Privacy Records January 3, 2002 omb010302.txt OMB on Trustworthy Governmental Information Janaury 3, 2002 osci010302.txt Open SystemC Initiative January 3, 2002 jacnws010302.txt Nuclear Weapons Surety Secret Meet January 3, 2002 dvdcca010302.txt DVDCCA Membership Anti-Trust Filing January 3, 2002 bxa010302.txt BXA Final Rule on Wassenaar Arrangement Exports January 3, 2002 wh010202.htm White House Changes Dual Use Export Controls January 3, 2002 csscat.htm csscat January 3, 2002 tempest.html The Complete Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page January 3, 2002 (links ok) joelieb-nix.htm Lieberman Challenges Military Tribunal Coercion January 2, 2002 see-post-911.htm Envisioning Post 911 January 2, 2002 ustr010202.txt Ukraine Hit Upside Head for IP Violations January 2, 2002 dot010202.txt Security Gratuity to Handsout Air Carriers January 2, 2002 nara010202.txt Archive Records Availability (ie, DoD PKI) January 2, 2002 backflow-panic.htm 'Backflow' water-line attack feared January 1, 2002 O f f s i t e FBI Hung Hanssen Poster - Spy, Traitor, Deceiver January 31, 2002 Yogi Purple People Eater Feeds CIA Fantasies /MS January 31, 2002 HAARP Up HAARP Update /GP January 31, 2002 WMD Spec CIA Report on WMD Technologies January 31, 2002 Cess Groom Bush Excuses Groom Lake Filth /JA January 31, 2002 NIMA Aim ^ NIMA Statement of Strategic Intent 2002 January 31, 2002 Scat Meter ^ JPL Scatterometry January 31, 2002 UWV ^ Undersea Warfare Visualization January 31, 2002 QPS ^ Global Positioning with Funky QPS  January 30, 2002 gtmo-gps ^ Guantanamo GPS Ground Site   January 30, 2002 Sci Pats ^ Recruiting Scientist/Patriots   January 30, 2002 Nat Map ^ USGS National Map Project   January 30, 2002 1M Stereo ^ 1M Stereo Imaging   January 30, 2002 War Birds ^ Whither War Birds?   January 30, 2002 Reclaim What the FBI Doesn't Want You to See /DT January 30, 2002 W2K Pro NIST Guide for Win 2000 Sys Admin January 30, 2002 Enron XXX Enron's Yanked Dirty Movies /BC January 29, 2002 WTC FK Video ^ Video of WTC Fresh Kills Site Overflight January 29, 2002 PCC Polygraph Countermeasure Challenge /GM January 29, 2002 Anthrax? Death of Ronald G. Miller /SD January 29, 2002 RTF'd Raise the Fist COPS'd /S/D January 28, 2002 LDLE Lies, damned lies, and Enron /DB January 27, 2002 WTC Steel WTC Recycled Steel /D January 26, 2002 UK Vile UK telephone-tapping/mail-opening 1937-2000 /TB January 23, 2002 TWH Firewalls and Net Security: Beat the Wily Hacker January 22, 2002 Anthrax Volunteer Your PC to Fight Anthrax /WSJ January 22, 2002 UHF Urban Hazards Forum /D January 22, 2002 CN Con China Swept Plane for Bugs in Texas /NYT January 22, 2002 DES Impact Economic Impacts of NIST's DES Program January 22, 2002 CIPGP Critical Infrastructure Protection Grants January 22, 2002 NSRL The National Software Reference Library January 21, 2002 ISI CIA US-OKed Airlift Rescues PK ISI/AlQ/Taliban /AR January 21, 2002 EFF Garbus DVD Copyright Case Gobbles $Millions /D January 21, 2002 HDTV EFF on the Harm of BPDG on HDTV /S January 20, 2002 Gitmo US Prison Camp Photos Spark Protests /JC January 20, 2002 cn-bugs China Finds Bugs on Jet Refitted in U.S. /WK January 20, 2002 AF Image U.S. Ends Afghan Image Contract /WK January 20, 2002 FBW Airport checks vulnerable to hackers /CB January 20, 2002 Dyslex UK Snooping Laws in Disarray /A January 18, 2002 LEIS Legal and Ethical Issues in Security January 17, 2002 NIST Tools NIST Technologies for Homeland Security January 17, 2002 IL Spy 2 Update on Fox News' Israeli Spying on US /J January 17, 2002 BSE FDA on US Threat of Mad Cow Disease January 17, 2002 CoPU A Cop in Every Computer /S January 17, 2002 Free Jon 3 EF Norway Protests Jon Johansen Indictment /WK January 16, 2002 Matt Attack EFF/Pavlovich Opening En Banc Brief January 15, 2002 2600 Attack EFF/2600 Ask for En Banc Appeal January 15, 2002 Firestorm Dead G-Man Unit Rising from Ashes /PL January 15, 2002 Green Peril Creating the Islamic Fundamentalist Threat /NG January 15, 2002 DoD Bio DoD Biometrics Support Office /RS January 15, 2002 Open Crypto Open-Source Secure Docs Distribute/Collab /GS January 15, 2002 Spy Pigs Tech Spying Frenzy Going Enron Route January 14, 2002 Rogues R Us Dangers of Rogue Spook Rule January 14, 2002 Big Crypto Largest Known Crypto Mirror /J January 14, 2002 uk-holes Anti-Banks Web Sites /A January 14, 2002 MI Fib MI5 Balks at Admitting Secret Lies /A January 14, 2002 EFF Freedom Fighters of the Digital World /JC January 14, 2002 US FEU US Censors European Documents /TB January 13, 2002 SimHits Simulating Airplanes Hitting Buildings January 12, 2002 UNMTR UN Members Terrorism Reports January 12, 2002 UNCTMC UN Counter-Terrorism Measures Classification January 12, 2002 Mad 1 One Angry Spy /OB January 12, 2002 Free DVD-Jon Report on Jon Johansen Protest in Norway /S January 11, 2002 Free DVD-Jon 2 Photos of Johansen Protest /S January 11, 2002 ATBOT Afghanistan, Taliban, And The Bush Oil Team /WM January 11, 2002 Blowback TEMPEST: How to Kursk Kenneth bin Lay /A January 11, 2002 SCOT Secure Communications Operational Tradecraft /DS January 10, 2002 ICML Intelligence Community Markup Language /EO January 10, 2002 XML SAIC XML Web Sites Janaury 10, 2002 MACE Advanced Chemical Weapons /A January 10, 2002 Taps A Wiretap in Every Home /A January 10, 2002 Jon Jon Johansen Indicted by MPAA /MV January 10, 2002 Pay Up Cybersecurity: Pay Now or Pay Later /LW January 9, 2002 Kon Konceptor Pleads Guilty to Livermore Lab Hack January 9, 2002 Assman The Day Ashcroft Axed Freedom of Information /CT January 9, 2002 NCR NCR Wants to Infowar America /JA January 9, 2002 Dark 1 (ok) Northern Light Screws Customers /DB Janaury 9, 2002 Dark 2 Northern Light Joins CIA Snooping /DB January 9, 2002 RU UR Russian Liberates Uranium /GP January 9, 2002 NTI Ted Turner's Nuke Tracker /NH January 9, 2002 Sick 2 WTC Toxic Aftermath 2 /EJ January 9, 2002 Psyop2 The Hijackers' Manual January 8, 2002 Panic 8 The Electromagnetic Bomb /JM January 8, 2002 Sick WTC Toxic Aftermath /EJ January 7, 2002 Blunt The Spy Game: Anthony Blunt /OB January 7, 2002 CIA Failed The Trouble with the CIA January 7, 2002 Spy Cops Maryland Cops Want Easier Wiretaps /JG January 5, 2002 Lie Cops DoJ's Lies About Domestic Terrorists /DM January 5, 2002 KWINT Netherlands Internet vulnerability /HL January 4, 2002 Cold CIA Officers Left in Cold /GT January 4, 2002 Blank ACLU: Facial Recognition System Fails /EL January 4, 2002 MMF1 "Monsanto Motherfuckers" 1 /GP January 3, 2002 MMF2 "Monsanto Motherfuckers" 2 /GP January 3, 2002 HPC Oil Bush Oils Hi-Performance Computer Exports /DR January 3, 2002 VT Port Computer Vulnerability and Threat Portal January 2, 2002 Expo Exports to Cuba, Iran, Libya, Sudan January 2, 2002 Woe ACLU on Wartime Loss of Civil Liberties /DB January 2, 2002 AQTB Al-Qaida Threat Brief January 1, 2002 HTS Hunting the Sleepers January 1, 2002 DSSIO Ontology of Integrated Intelligence & Conflict January 1, 2002 BOSC Battlefield Operating System: IO Coded Comm January 1, 2002